The Volume 8, Select 8, and Volume/Select 8 controls all come with a sheet of clear, adhesive-backed labels, for custom printing on a laser printer. A Word document is available on the NEXIA software CD and on the Biamp web site (, as a label printing template. These labels are meant to be printed using desk-top laser printers only. It is recommended that the printer be set for 'label' printing, and the label sheet should be 'short-edge' feed from the 'bypass' tray. A test printing of a single label should be done, to assure proper alignment of text. To compensate for any mis-alignment of text, margins within the Word document may be adjusted. Care should be taken in placement of the labels onto the controls. To avoid finger-prints, the use of a knife-blade or tweezers is recommended for handling. Severe bending or curling of the label may cause loss of some toner (text). When placing the label on the control panel, use the vertical column of LED indicators as a visual reference of alignment. Once the label is in place, a second (un-printed) label may be placed over the first label, to provide protection against wear. Each sheet contains 25 labels, so in case of errors, additional labels may be printed.
NOTE: Originally, labels were 1.35" wide and used the Word document (V8S8 Labels.doc). However, newer control panels require labels which are only 1.25" wide and use Word document (V8S8 B Labels.doc). Check label width and use the appropriate file for printing.
In the Word document, select Show Gridlines from the Table menu. Each large cell represents a label. The first four columns are 'left-justified' to create labels for Volume 8 and Select 8 panels, as well as for the 'Volume' (left) section of Volume/Select 8 panels. The last column is 'right-justified' to create labels for the 'Select' (right) section of Volume/Select 8 panels. Left-click inside any large cell, and begin typing. Use 'Enter' to begin a new line, and again to leave a blank line. To avoid printing errors, do not change line-spacing or other formatting parameters. However, if you do not have the default font (Helvetica), or if you wish to change label appearance, you may select a different font before typing.