Device Number


A Nexia Device Number represents the physical Nexia box’s defined address. The Nexia software automatically sets this number when a system is Compiled and loaded.


The Device number that a DSP block has been assigned to can be determined in 3 ways:


First Way:

  1. Right click on the DSP block and select ‘Properties’.

  2. Click on DSP 1 attributes tab and scroll down. The device that the block is assigned to will be

displayed in the ‘Allocated To Unit’ field.




Second Way:

  1. In the Display tab of the Options screen select "Display Device Assignment in DSP

Block info field". This will display the device that each DSP block is assigned to on the main screen.





Third Way:

  1. While connected an Nexia’s RS-232 port, type the string; GET 0 DEVID

Nexia will return the Device Number of the unit you are connected to.