Duckers provide level attenuation, triggered by signal or logic inputs. Input Level provides muting and level adjustment for the normal audio input, which appears as the upper input on the left side of the Ducker. Sense Level provides muting and level adjustment for the signal trigger input, which appears as the lower input on the left side of the Ducker. Threshold determines what sense input signal level will trigger ducking. Ducking Level determines how much attenuation is applied to the normal audio signal during ducking. Attack determines how quickly the ducker reacts to trigger input (signal or logic). Release determines how quickly attenuation is released, once trigger input is removed (signal or logic). Logic In turns on/off and reverses operation (off triggers ducking) of the logic trigger input, which appears at the top of the Ducker. Logic Out provides the same functions as Logic In, but instead as a trigger output (follows ducking activity), which appears at the bottom of the Ducker. Mix Sense allows the Sense input signal to be mixed with normal audio input signal, at the output of the Ducker. Bypass disables the Ducker without changing settings.
Right-clicking over certain settings will provide a menu of additional options. |