Telnet Control


Nexia can be controlled using Telnet via TCP/IP. The same command strings that are used for RS-232 Control are used for Telnet.


When controlling multiple Nexias that are not a part of the same NEX file, each Nexia device will need to be addressed via its own Telnet session from a control system or PC.


Nexia supports standard Telnet Echo Negotiation. By default, the Telnet server will echo characters sent to it, one by one.


To turn echo OFF during a session:


 Send byte sequence 0xFF 0xFE 0x01.

 Receive 3 byte response from server (0xFF 0xFC 0x01 = echo OFF).

 Send desired commands.


To turn echo back ON during a session:


 Send byte sequence 0xFF 0xFD 0x01.

 Receive 3 byte response from server (0xFF 0xFB 0x01 = echo ON).

 Send desired commands.