Value determines what a DSP block is being set to, incremented by, or decremented by. The Attribute section will define which type of value the string will need in order to execute the NTP string.
Example: INC 1 AMLVLIN 4 1 1 <LF>
In an Automatic mixer input level string, the Value equal to 1 states that the fader is to be incremented by 1 dB.
Example: SET 2 MMLVLIN 5 2 100 <LF>
In a matrix mixer input level string, the value is set to 100dB.
Example: RECALL 1 PRESET 1004 <LF>
For a preset recall we are telling device 1 to recall the fourth preset.
*When GET is used, a Value will not need to be specified since GET is a request command. A Value must be set in order for SET, INC, DEC, and RECALL command strings to work.
Example: GET 4 MMLVLOUT 5 <LF>
We are asking the level of a matrix mixers output. There is no Value required for this string.