Equipment Table

Provides a table of NEXIA devices used in the system design. Devices are automatically added to the Equipment Table whenever CS, PM, SP, VC, or TC blocks are placed into the Layout. When connected to the network, specific hardware devices may be chosen (by Serial #) for use in the system. When connected to the system, Serial # and Device Description Label becomes 'read-only' information.


An RCB tab at the lower-left of the Equipment Table dialog box provides an editable table of devices connected to the Remote Control Bus of the NEXIA devices in the system design. This table is used to establish proper association between external physical controls and their corresponding component counterparts in the layout. Each DevID (control component) should be matched to an appropriate Serial # (physical control). The DevID number can be found in the right corner of control component objects in the layout, when 'Display Device Assignment in DSP Block Info Field' is selected from Display Options. Serial # and Device Description Label information can be found for the physical controls using Device Maintenance.
