Placing Component Objects

System design begins with the placement of Component Objects into the Layout. This can be done in two ways. The simplest way is to select a component category from the Processing Library, and then drag & drop a pre-defined component into the Layout. Processing Library component categories can also be selected from the Processing Library Menu (at the top of the screen), which indicates keyboard short-cuts as well. However, component placement can instead be done using the Object Toolbar, located directly above the Layout. On the Object Toolbar, next to each category icon is a drop-down menu of components. Selecting a component from the menu, then clicking over the Layout, will place the selected component at that location. Holding the Shift key allows multiple copies of the component to be placed. Certain components will provide a pop-up ‘Initialization Properties’ window, allowing further component definition and customization before placement. Using the Object Bar also allows the Processing Library to be closed (providing greater width to the Layout). Component Objects, and their current settings (DSP data), can also be placed using the Copy/Paste functions on the Standard Toolbar or the Edit Menu. Selected objects can also be copied by holding the Alt key while dragging and dropping. NOTE: Components cannot be selected when the current Layer is invisible (see Layers Sheet).


The configuration of certain components can be further edited, once they have been placed into the Layout. This can be done even after the design has been compiled, and without affecting the component Instance ID assignments. Right-clicking over the component block and selecting ‘Edit Block Parameters’ will again provide access to the Initialization Properties window, where additional changes to the component configuration may be made. NOTE: Edit Block Parameters is not available for all component types or configuration properties.